Package org.jmythapi

Interface Summary
IBasicChannelInfo This interface is used to access some basic channels informations.
IGuideDataThrough This interface represents the response to an IBackend.queryGuideDataThrough() request.
IPropertyAware<E extends Enum<E>> This interface represents a property aware object.
IRecorderChannelInfo An interface to get informations about a MythTV recorder channel.
IRecorderInfo An interface to get connection informations of a MythTV recorder.
ISetting An interface to get the value of a MythTV setting.
IVersionable Marks an object to be MythTv -protocol aware.

Enum Summary
IGuideDataThrough.Props Properties of an IGuideDataThrough response.
IRecorderChannelInfo.Props Properties of an IRecorderChannelInfo response.
IRecorderInfo.Props Properties of an IRecorderInfo response.
ISetting.Props Properties of an ISetting response.

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