Interface IGroup<E extends Enum<E>>

Type Parameters:
E - the enum class defining all possible values of this group
All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, IVersionable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IEnumGroup<E>, IFlagGroup<E>, IJobCommand, IJobStatus, IJobType, IProgramAudioProperties, IProgramFlags, IProgramRecordingDupInType, IProgramRecordingDupMethodType, IProgramRecordingSearchType, IProgramRecordingStatus, IProgramRecordingType, IProgramSubtitleType, IProgramVideoProperties, IRemoteEncoderFlags, ISleepStatus
All Known Implementing Classes:
ADatabaseEnumGroup, AEnumGroup, AFlagGroup, AVersionableEnumGroup, JobCommands, JobStatus, JobType, ProgramAudioProperties, ProgramFlags, ProgramRecordingDupInType, ProgramRecordingDupMethodType, ProgramRecordingSearchType, ProgramRecordingStatus, ProgramRecordingType, ProgramSubtitleType, ProgramVideoProperties, RemoteEncoderFlags, SleepStatus

public interface IGroup<E extends Enum<E>>
extends IVersionable, Cloneable

A value group.

This interface represents a value group. The value of this group is a single integer value, which can be accessed using longValue(). How this value can be interpreted, depends on the used protocol version and on the type of the group.

A flag group may have multiple active flags at the same time.
A IEnumGroup may have only one value set at the same time.

See longValue() for the current value of this group.
See getGroupClass() for an enumeration class defining all possible values of this group.

See Also:
IFlagGroup, IEnumGroup

Method Summary
 Class<E> getGroupClass()
          Gets the enumeration class defining the possible values for this group.
 long longValue()
          Gets the current value.
Methods inherited from interface org.jmythapi.IVersionable

Method Detail


long longValue()
Gets the current value.

the value


Class<E> getGroupClass()
Gets the enumeration class defining the possible values for this group.

the enumeration class

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