Class RecorderChannelPrefixStatus

  extended by org.jmythapi.impl.AData<E>
      extended by org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl.AMythResponse<IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus.Props>
          extended by org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl.RecorderChannelPrefixStatus
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, IPropertyAware<IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus.Props>, IVersionable, ISendable, IMythResponse<IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus.Props>, IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus

public class RecorderChannelPrefixStatus
extends AMythResponse<IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus.Props>
implements IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.jmythapi.protocol.response.IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jmythapi.impl.AData
logger, propsClass, protoVersion, respArgs
Constructor Summary
RecorderChannelPrefixStatus(IMythPacket packet)
Method Summary
 String getNeededSpacer()
          Gets the first matching spacer, if a spacer whould be needed for the prefix to match a channel.
 Boolean isCompleteMatch()
          Checks if the prefix fully matches a channel number.
 Boolean isExtraCharUseful()
          Checks if an additional prefix char chould reduce the number of matching channels.
 Boolean isPrefixMatch()
          Checks if the prefix matches at least one channel number.
Methods inherited from class org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl.AMythResponse
checkSize, decodeProperty, encodeProperty, getExpectedSize, getPacket, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyIndex
Methods inherited from class org.jmythapi.impl.AData
clone, equals, getPropertyClass, getPropertyCount, getPropertyMap, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValueObject, getPropertyValueObject, getPropertyValues, getVersionNr, hashCode, init, postProcessArguments, setPropertyValue, setPropertyValue, setPropertyValueObject, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jmythapi.IVersionable
Methods inherited from interface org.jmythapi.IPropertyAware
getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyClass, getPropertyCount, getPropertyIndex, getPropertyMap, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValueObject, getPropertyValues, setPropertyValue, setPropertyValue, setPropertyValueObject

Constructor Detail


public RecorderChannelPrefixStatus(IMythPacket packet)
Method Detail


public String getNeededSpacer()
Description copied from interface: IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
Gets the first matching spacer, if a spacer whould be needed for the prefix to match a channel.

Specified by:
getNeededSpacer in interface IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
the first matching spacer.


public Boolean isCompleteMatch()
Description copied from interface: IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
Checks if the prefix fully matches a channel number.

Specified by:
isCompleteMatch in interface IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
true if a complete channel number is matched by the prefix.


public Boolean isExtraCharUseful()
Description copied from interface: IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
Checks if an additional prefix char chould reduce the number of matching channels.

Specified by:
isExtraCharUseful in interface IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
true if an additional prefix would reduce the number of matching channels.


public Boolean isPrefixMatch()
Description copied from interface: IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
Checks if the prefix matches at least one channel number.

Specified by:
isPrefixMatch in interface IRecorderChannelPrefixStatus
true if there are channels with channel numbers starting with the prefix.

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