Uses of Class

Packages that use MythProtoVersionAnnotation
org.jmythapi.protocol This package contains basic protocol related interfaces, exceptions and constants. This package contains interfaces related to MythTV events. 
org.jmythapi.protocol.impl This package contains implementations of MythTV protocol elements. 
org.jmythapi.protocol.response This package contains interfaces of MythTV response messages. 
org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl This package contains implementations of MythTV response messages. 

Uses of MythProtoVersionAnnotation in org.jmythapi

Classes in org.jmythapi with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 interface IGuideDataThrough
          This interface represents the response to an IBackend.queryGuideDataThrough() request.
static class IGuideDataThrough.Props
          Properties of an IGuideDataThrough response.
 interface IRecorderChannelInfo
          An interface to get informations about a MythTV recorder channel.
static class IRecorderChannelInfo.Props
          Properties of an IRecorderChannelInfo response.
 interface ISetting
          An interface to get the value of a MythTV setting.
static class ISetting.Props
          Properties of an ISetting response.

Uses of MythProtoVersionAnnotation in org.jmythapi.protocol

Methods in org.jmythapi.protocol with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 Boolean IBackend.allowShutdown()
          Allows a backend to shutdown.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 FileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 FileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(URI fileUrl)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 boolean IBackend.annotateMonitor()
          Announces a new monitor connection to the backend.
 boolean IBackend.annotateMonitor(String clientHostName)
          Announces a new monitor connection to the backend.
 boolean IBackend.annotateMonitor(String clientHostName, EPlaybackSockEventsMode eventsMode)
          Announces a new monitor connection to the backend.
 boolean IBackend.annotatePlayback()
          Announce a new playback connection to the backend.
 boolean IBackend.annotatePlayback(String clientHostName)
          Announce a new playback connection to the backend.
 boolean IBackend.annotatePlayback(String clientHostName, EPlaybackSockEventsMode eventsMode)
          Announce a new playback connection to the backend.
 IRingBuffer IRecorder.annotateRingBuffer()
          Deprecated. 20
 Boolean IBackend.blockShutdown()
          Prevents a backend from shutting down.
 Integer IBackend.checkRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Checks if the given program is currently being recorded.
 void IBackend.clearSettingsCache()
          Forces the backend to clear its settings cache.
 boolean IBackend.deleteFile(String fileName, String storageGroup)
          Delete a remote file.
 boolean IBackend.deleteFile(URI fileUrl)
          Delete a remote file.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime)
          Deletes a recording-file.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
          Delets a recording file, recording metadata and recording history.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Deletes a recording file.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
          Delets a recording file, recording metadata and recording history.
 URI IBackend.downloadFile(URI url, String storageGroup, String fileName)
          Downloads a file to the backend.
 URI IBackend.downloadFileNow(URI url, String storageGroup, String fileName)
          Downloads a file to the backend.
 Map<Long,Long> IRecorder.fillDurationMap(long start, long end)
 IProgramInfo IBackend.fillProgramInfo(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Fills in the pathname and file size fields of the given recording.
 IProgramInfo IBackend.fillProgramInfo(IProgramInfo programInfo, String playBackHostname)
          Fills in the pathname and file size fields of the given recording.
 boolean IBackend.forceDeleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Deletes a recording-file and recording metadata.
 boolean IBackend.forgetRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Delets recording history.
 boolean IBackend.freeTuner(Integer recorderID)
          Frees a previously locked tuner.
<C extends IBasicChannelInfo>
          Get a list of all available channels on all available recorders.
<C extends IBasicChannelInfo>
          Gets a list of all known channels.
 Integer IRecorder.getBrightness()
          Gets the brightness of a recording.
 IInputInfoTuned IRemoteEncoder.getBusyInput()
          Queries the currently used input of a busy encoder.
 IInputInfoTuned IRemoteEncoder.getBusyInput(Integer timeBuffer)
          Queries the input that will be used by the encoder in the given amount of seconds.
 IRemoteEncoderBusyStatus IRemoteEncoder.getBusyStatus(Integer timeBuffer)
          Query the current busy status of the recorder.
 IRecorderChannelInfo IRecorder.getChannelInfo(IBasicChannelInfo channelInfo)
          Gets detailed informations about the given channel.
 IRecorderChannelInfo IRecorder.getChannelInfo(Integer chanID)
          Gets informations about the given channel.
 List<IRecorderChannelInfo> IBackend.getChannelInfos()
          Get a list of all available channels on all available recorders.
 List<IRecorderChannelInfo> IRecorder.getChannelInfos()
          Gets a list of all known channels.
 Map<String,String> IBackend.getChannelLogoMap(IRecorderNextProgramInfo.Props keyProp)
          Gets a map containing the path to all channel logos.
 Integer IRecorder.getColour()
          Gets the colour of a recording.
 List<String> IRecorder.getConnectedInputs()
          Deprecated. 37 (fallback-to: -1)
 Integer IRecorder.getContrast()
          Gets the contrast of a recording.
 IProgramInfo IRemoteEncoder.getCurrentRecording()
          Returns the encoders current recording.
 IProgramInfo IRecorder.getCurrentRecording()
          Returns the recorders current recording.
 IRemoteEncoderFlags IRemoteEncoder.getFlags()
          Gets additional information about the current encoder state.
 IFreeInputList IRemoteEncoder.getFreeInputs()
          Gets the free inputs of the encoder.
 IFreeInputList IRecorder.getFreeInputs()
          Gets all free inputs of the recorder.
 IRecorderInfo IBackend.getFreeRecorder()
          A function to get the next free recorder.
 IRecorderInfo IBackend.getFreeRecorder(String channelNumber)
          Gets the next free recorder that is capable to display the requested channel.
 int IBackend.getFreeRecorderCount()
          Function to determine the amount of free recorders.
 int[] IBackend.getFreeRecorderIDs()
          Gets the IDs of all free recorders.
 List<IRecorderInfo> IBackend.getFreeRecorders()
          Gets the recorder-info objects of all free recorders.
 IBasicFreeSpace IBackend.getFreeSpaceOverview()
          Gets the free space on the backend.
 Integer IRecorder.getHue()
          Gets the hue of a recording.
 String IRecorder.getInput()
          Gets the name of the current recorder input.
 String IRecorder.getInputName()
          Deprecated. 21, use IRecorder.getInput() instead.
 List<IInputInfo> IRemoteEncoder.getInputs()
          Gets a list of all inputs of the encoder.
 long IRemoteEncoder.getMaxBitrate()
          Gets the maximum bitrate the encoder can output.
 long IRecorder.getMaxBitrate()
          Gets the maximum bitrate a recorder can output.
 IRecorderInfo IBackend.getNextFreeRecorder()
          A function to get an info about the next free recorder.
 IRecorderInfo IBackend.getNextFreeRecorder(Integer currentRecorderID)
          A function to get the next free recorder.
 IRecorderInfo IBackend.getNextFreeRecorder(IRecorderInfo currentRecorder)
          A function to get the next free recorder.
 IRecorderNextProgramInfo IRecorder.getNextProgramInfo(IBasicChannelInfo channelInfo, EChannelBrowseDirection direction, Date startTime)
          Gets the next program on the specified channel.
 IRecorderNextProgramInfo IRecorder.getNextProgramInfo(String channelnumber, Integer chanID, EChannelBrowseDirection direction, Date startTime)
          Gets the next program on the specified channel.
 List<IRecorderNextProgramInfo> IBackend.getNextProgramInfos(Date date)
          Gets the next programs of all known channels.
 List<IRecorderNextProgramInfo> IRecorder.getNextProgramInfos(Date startTime)
          Gets a list containing the next programs of all channels.
 IRecorderProgramInfo IRecorder.getProgramInfo()
          Deprecated. 21 (fallback-to: -1), use getNextProgramInfo instead.
 IRecorder IBackend.getRecorder(IRecorderInfo recorderInfo)
          Connects to the specified recorder.
 IRecorderInfo IBackend.getRecorderForNum(int recorderId)
          Returns the recorder-info for the recorder, specified by id.
 int[] IBackend.getRecorderIDs()
          Returns the IDs of all available recorders.
 IRecorderInfo IBackend.getRecorderNum(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Determines the recorder, which is currently recording the given program.
 List<IRecorderInfo> IBackend.getRecorders()
          A function to get all available recorders, independently of their busy status.
 IProgramRecordingStatus IRemoteEncoder.getRecordingStatus()
          Gets the current recording status of the tuner.
 ISleepStatus IRemoteEncoder.getSleepStatus()
          Gets the current sleep status of the encoder.
 IRemoteEncoderState IRemoteEncoder.getState()
          Returns the current encoder state (TvState).
 boolean IBackend.goToSleep()
          Signals a slave backend to go to sleep.
 boolean IBackend.hasFreeRecorders()
          Determines if there are any free recorders.
 boolean IBackend.isActiveBackend()
          Checks if the current backend is active.
 boolean IBackend.isActiveBackend(String hostname)
          Checks if the given backend is active.
 void IBackend.liveTvChainUpdate(String chainId)
          XXX: is this event really required for a client?
 ITunerInfo IBackend.lockTuner()
          Asks the backend to lock the next free tuner.
 ITunerInfo IBackend.lockTuner(Integer recorderID)
          Asks the backend to lock the given tuner.
 boolean IRemoteEncoder.matchesRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Checks if this encoder is currently recording the given recording.
 List<String> IBackend.queryActiveBackends()
          Queries the names of all active backends.
 IRecordingsPending IBackend.queryAllPending()
          Gets all programs that will be recorded soon.
 IRecordingsScheduled IBackend.queryAllScheduled()
          Gets all scheduled recordings.
 Long IBackend.queryBookmark(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime)
          Queries the bookmark position for a given recording.
 Long IBackend.queryBookmark(IProgramInfo program)
          Queries the bookmark position for a given recording.
 IFileStatus IBackend.queryCheckFile(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean checkSlaves)
          Checks if a recording file exists that belongs to the given program.
 IRecordingsConflicting IBackend.queryConflicting()
          Gets all programs that are in conflict which each other.
 IRecordingsConflicting IBackend.queryConflicting(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Gets all programs that are in conflict with the given program.
 IRecordingsExpiring IBackend.queryExpiring()
          Gets all programs that will expiring soon.
 IFileStatus IBackend.queryFileExists(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Checks if a recording-file exists for the given program.
 IFileStatus IBackend.queryFileExists(String fileName, String storageGroup)
          Checks if a the named file exists in the named storage group.
 FileStatus IBackend.queryFileExists(URI fileUrl)
          Checks if given file exists on the backend.
 String IBackend.queryFileHash(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Queries a unique hash-value for the recording-file of the given program.
 String IBackend.queryFileHash(String fileName, String storageGroup)
          Queries a unique hash-value for the given file stored in the given storage group.
 String IBackend.queryFileHash(String fileName, String storageGroup, String hostName)
          Queries a unique hash-value for the given file stored in the given storage group.
 String IBackend.queryFileHash(URI fileUrl)
          Queries a unique hash-value for the given remote file.
 IFreeSpace IBackend.queryFreeSpace()
          Deprecated. 17 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryFreeSpaceList and queryFreeSpaceSummary
 IFreeSpaceList IBackend.queryFreeSpaceList(boolean allhosts)
          Returns the free disk space on the connected or on all MythTV backends.
 IFreeSpaceSummary IBackend.queryFreeSpaceSummary()
          Returns the free space on the connected backend.
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program)
          Deprecated. 61 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryGenPixmap2
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
          Deprecated. 61 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryGenPixmap2
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap2(String token, IProgramInfo program)
          Generates a preview image of the requested show.
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap2(String token, IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
          Generates a preview image of the requested show.
 IGuideDataThrough IBackend.queryGuideDataThrough()
          Queries the guide-date status of the backend.
 String IBackend.queryHostname()
          Gets the hostname of the backend.
 IRecordingStatus IBackend.queryIsRecording()
          Queries the current recording status of the backend.
 ILoad IBackend.queryLoad()
          Queries the current load of the backend.
 IMemStats IBackend.queryMemStats()
          Queries the current memory state of the backend.
 IPixmap IBackend.queryPixmap(IProgramInfo program)
          Queries a preview image.
 IPixmap IBackend.queryPixmap(String fileName, String storageGroup)
          Queries a preview image.
 IPixmap IBackend.queryPixmapIfModified(IProgramInfo program, Date lastModifiedDate, Long fileSize)
          Queries a preview image.
 Date IBackend.queryPixmapLastModified(IProgramInfo program)
          Queries the last-modified date of the pixmap of a given recording.
 IProgramInfo IBackend.queryRecording(IBasicChannelInfo channel, Date recordingStartTime)
          Get a single recording by its channel and recording start-time.
 IProgramInfo IBackend.queryRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime)
          Get a single recording by its channel-id and start-time.
 IProgramInfo IBackend.queryRecording(String baseName)
          Get the ProgramInfo for a single recording specified by the recordings base-name.
 IProgramInfoList IBackend.queryRecordings()
          Queries for all available recordings.
 IProgramInfoList IBackend.queryRecordings(ERecordingsType eRecordingsType)
          Queries for recordings with the given recording-type.
 ISetting IBackend.querySetting(String hostName, String settingName)
          Queries the remote host for a specific setting.
 IStorageGroupFile IBackend.queryStorageGroupFile(String hostName, String storageGroup, String fileName)
          Queries the a single file from the remote storage group.
 IStorageGroupFileList IBackend.queryStorageGroupFileList(String hostName, String storageGroup, String path)
          Queries the a list of files from the remote storage group.
 IStorageGroupFileList IBackend.queryStorageGroupFileList(String hostName, String storageGroup, String path, boolean fileNamesOnly)
          Queries the a list of files from the remote storage group.
 ITimezone IBackend.queryTimeZone()
          Queries the timezone of the backend.
 IUptime IBackend.queryUptime()
          Queries the uptime of the backend.
 boolean IBackend.queueTranscode(IProgramInfo recording)
          Deprecated. 23
 boolean IBackend.queueTranscodeCutlist(IProgramInfo recording)
          Deprecated. 23
 boolean IBackend.queueTranscodeStop(IProgramInfo recording)
          Deprecated. 23
 boolean IBackend.reactivateRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Deprecated. 19
 boolean IBackend.refreshBackend()
          Forces the backend to reload the backend settings.
 boolean IBackend.rescheduleAllRecordings()
          Force MythTV to reschedule all recordings.
 Boolean IBackend.rescheduleAllRecordingsAndWait(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Forces MythTV to reschedule all recordings and thereafter to wait for an SCHEDULE_CHANGE event.
 boolean IBackend.rescheduleRecordings(Integer recordingId)
          Deprecated. 73 (fallback-to: -1), use IBackend.rescheduleRecordingsMatch(Integer, Integer, Integer, Date, String) instead.
 Boolean IBackend.rescheduleRecordingsAndWait(Integer recordingId, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Deprecated. 73 (fallback-to: -1)
 boolean IBackend.rescheduleRecordingsMatch(Integer recordID, Integer sourceID, Integer multiplexID, Date maxStartTime, String reason)
          Deprecated. 73 (fallback-to: -1), use IBackend.rescheduleRecordingsMatch(Integer, Integer, Integer, Date, String) instead.
 Boolean IBackend.rescheduleRecordingsMatchAndWait(Integer recordID, Integer sourceID, Integer multiplexID, Date maxStartTime, String reason, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
 boolean IBackend.scanVideos()
          Trigger a scan of all video folders.
 boolean IBackend.setBookmark(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Long bookmarkPosition)
          Sets the bookmark position for the given recording.
 boolean IBackend.setBookmark(IProgramInfo recording, Long bookmarkPosition)
          Sets the bookmark position for the given recording.
 boolean IBackend.setChannelInfo(String oldChannelNumber, IRecorderChannelInfo channelInfo)
          Changes detailed infos about the given channel.
 boolean IRecorder.setInput(String inputName)
          Tells the recorder to change to the specified input.
 boolean IRecorder.setLiveTvRecording()
          Tells the recorder to keep a LiveTV recording.
 boolean IRecorder.setNextLiveTvDirectory(String path)
          Changes LiveTV recording directory.
 boolean IBackend.setSetting(String hostName, String settingName, String settingValue)
          Sets the given setting on the remote host.
 int IRecorder.setSignalMonitoringRate(int rate, boolean notifyFrontend)
          Sets the signal monitoring rate.
 boolean IRecorder.shouldSwitchCard(Integer channelID)
          Checks if named channel exists on current tuner, or another tuner.
 void IBackend.shutdownNow()
          Forces a slave backend to shutdown now.
 boolean IRecorder.stopPlaying()
          Deprecated. 20
 boolean IRemoteEncoder.stopRecording()
          Stop a currently active recording on the given recorder.
 String IRecorder.switchToNextInput()
          Tells the recorder to switch to the next input.
 boolean IRecorder.toggleChannelFavorite()
          Adds or removes the current channel from the favorite channel list.
 boolean IRecorder.toggleChannelFavorite(String channelGroup)
          Adds or removes the current channel to or from the given channel group.
 boolean IRecorder.toggleInputs()
          Deprecated. 27 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by IRecorder.setInput(String) and IRecorder.switchToNextInput().
 boolean IBackend.undeleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
          Undelets a recording-file.

Method parameters in org.jmythapi.protocol with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 IFileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 FileTransfer IBackend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, String storageGroup)
          Announce a new file-transfer connection to the backend.
 boolean IRecorder.cancelNextRecording(Boolean cancel)
          Tells the recorder to cancel or continue the next recording.
 Integer IRecorder.changeBrightness(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
          Changes the brightness value.
 Integer IRecorder.changeColour(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
          Changes the colour value.
 Integer IRecorder.changeContrast(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
          Changes the contrast value.
 Integer IRecorder.changeHue(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
          Changes the hue value.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
          Delets a recording file, recording metadata and recording history.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
          Delets a recording file, recording metadata and recording history.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
          Delets a recording file, recording metadata and recording history.
 boolean IBackend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
          Delets a recording file, recording metadata and recording history.
 IRemoteEncoderBusyStatus IRemoteEncoder.getBusyStatus(Integer timeBuffer)
          Query the current busy status of the recorder.
 boolean IRemoteEncoder.isBusy(Integer timeBuffer)
          Query whether the recorder is busy, or will be within the next time_buffer seconds.
 IFileStatus IBackend.queryCheckFile(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean checkSlaves)
          Checks if a recording file exists that belongs to the given program.
 String IBackend.queryFileHash(String fileName, String storageGroup, String hostName)
          Queries a unique hash-value for the given file stored in the given storage group.
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
          Deprecated. 61 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryGenPixmap2
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
          Deprecated. 61 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryGenPixmap2
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
          Deprecated. 61 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryGenPixmap2
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
          Deprecated. 61 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryGenPixmap2
 boolean IBackend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
          Deprecated. 61 (fallback-to: -1), replaced by queryGenPixmap2
 IStorageGroupFileList IBackend.queryStorageGroupFileList(String hostName, String storageGroup, String path, boolean fileNamesOnly)
          Queries the a list of files from the remote storage group.
 boolean IRecorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, IRecorderChannelInfo recorderChannelInfo)
          Tells the recorder to start a "Live TV" recording.
 boolean IRecorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, IRecorderChannelInfo recorderChannelInfo)
          Tells the recorder to start a "Live TV" recording.
 boolean IRecorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, String channelNumber)
          Tells the recorder to start a "Live TV" recording.
 boolean IRecorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, String channelNumber)
          Tells the recorder to start a "Live TV" recording.
 boolean IRecorder.toggleChannelFavorite(String channelGroup)
          Adds or removes the current channel to or from the given channel group.

Constructors in org.jmythapi.protocol with parameters of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
ProtocolVersionRange(MythProtoVersionAnnotation versionRange)
          Constructs a version-range object from an protocol-version annotation

Uses of MythProtoVersionAnnotation in

Classes in with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 interface IClearSettingsCache
          Backend Event - Clear Settings Cache.
 interface IDoneRecording
          Backend Event- Recording Done.
 interface IDownloadFile<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event - Download File.
 interface IDownloadFileFinished
          Backend Event - Download File Finished.
 interface IDownloadFileUpdate
          Backend Event - Download File Update.
 interface ILiveTvChainUpdate
          Backend Event - LiveTV Chain Update.
 interface IPixmapGenerated
          Backend Event - Pixmap Generated.
 interface IRecordingListChangeAdd
          Backend Event - Recording-List Event - Recording Added.
 interface IRecordingListChangeDelete
          Backend Event - Recording-List Event - Recording Deleted.
 interface IRecordingListChangeUpdate
          Backend Event - Recording - Properties Updated.
 interface IResetIdleTime
          Backend Event - Idle Time Reset.
 interface IScheduleChange
          Backend Event - Schedule Changed.
 interface IUpdateFileSize
          Backend Event - Recording - File-Size Updated.
 interface IUpdateProgInfo
          Deprecated. 55, replaced by IRecordingListChangeUpdate.
 interface IVideoListChange
          Backend Event - Video List - Change.
 interface IVideoListNoChange
          Backend Event - Video List - No Change.

Methods in with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 List<IVideoListChange.IVideoChange> IVideoListChange.getChanges()
          Gets a list of all detected changes.
 String IAskRecording.getChannelName()
 String IAskRecording.getChannelNumber()
 String IAskRecording.getChannelSign()
 IProgramInfo IAskRecording.getProgramInfo()
 Long IDoneRecording.getRecordedFrames()
          Gets the amount of recorded frames.
 Integer IAskRecording.getRecorderId()
 String IAskRecording.getRecordingTitle()
 Integer IAskRecording.getSecondsTillRecording()
 Boolean IAskRecording.hasLaterShowing()
 Boolean IAskRecording.hasRecording()

Uses of MythProtoVersionAnnotation in org.jmythapi.protocol.impl

Methods in org.jmythapi.protocol.impl with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 Boolean Backend.allowShutdown()
 IFileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, String storageGroup)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(URI fileUrl)
 boolean Backend.annotateMonitor()
 boolean Backend.annotateMonitor(String clientName)
 boolean Backend.annotateMonitor(String clientName, EPlaybackSockEventsMode eventsMode)
 boolean Backend.annotatePlayback(String clientName, EPlaybackSockEventsMode eventsMode)
 IRingBuffer Recorder.annotateRingBuffer()
          Deprecated. 20
 Boolean Backend.blockShutdown()
 boolean RemoteEncoder.cancelNextRecording(Boolean cancel)
 Integer Backend.checkRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 void Backend.clearSettingsCache()
 boolean Backend.deleteFile(String fileName, String storageGroup)
 boolean Backend.deleteFile(URI fileUrl)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
 boolean Backend.forceDeleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 boolean Backend.forceDeleteRecording(List<String> programInfo)
 boolean Backend.forgetRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 boolean Backend.forgetRecording(List<String> programInfo)
 Integer Recorder.getBrightness()
 IInputInfoTuned RemoteEncoder.getBusyInput()
 IInputInfoTuned RemoteEncoder.getBusyInput(Integer timeBuffer)
 IRemoteEncoderBusyStatus RemoteEncoder.getBusyStatus(Integer timeBuffer)
 RecorderChannelInfo Recorder.getChannelInfo(IBasicChannelInfo channelInfo)
 RecorderChannelInfo Recorder.getChannelInfo(Integer chanID)
 List<IRecorderChannelInfo> Recorder.getChannelInfos()
 List<IRecorderChannelInfo> Backend.getChannelInfos()
 Integer Recorder.getColour()
 List<String> Recorder.getConnectedInputs()
          Deprecated. 37
 Integer Recorder.getContrast()
 IProgramInfo RemoteEncoder.getCurrentRecording()
 IProgramInfo Recorder.getCurrentRecording()
 RemoteEncoderFlags RemoteEncoder.getFlags()
 float Recorder.getFrameRate()
 long Recorder.getFramesWritten()
 IFreeInputList RemoteEncoder.getFreeInputs()
 IFreeInputList Recorder.getFreeInputs()
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getFreeRecorder()
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getFreeRecorder(String channelNumber)
 int Backend.getFreeRecorderCount()
 int[] Backend.getFreeRecorderIDs()
 List<IRecorderInfo> Backend.getFreeRecorders()
 IBasicFreeSpace Backend.getFreeSpaceOverview()
 Integer Recorder.getHue()
 String Recorder.getInput()
 String Recorder.getInputName()
          Deprecated. 21
 List<IInputInfo> RemoteEncoder.getInputs()
 long RemoteEncoder.getMaxBitrate()
 long Recorder.getMaxBitrate()
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getNextFreeRecorder()
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getNextFreeRecorder(Integer currentRecorderID)
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getNextFreeRecorder(IRecorderInfo currentRecorder)
 IRecorderProgramInfo Recorder.getProgramInfo()
          Deprecated. 21
 Recorder Backend.getRecorder(IRecorderInfo recorderInfo)
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getRecorderForNum(int recorderId)
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getRecorderForProgram(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 int[] Backend.getRecorderIDs()
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getRecorderNum(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 IRecorderInfo Backend.getRecorderNum(List<String> programInfo)
 List<IRecorderInfo> Backend.getRecorders()
 IProgramRecordingStatus RemoteEncoder.getRecordingStatus()
 ISleepStatus RemoteEncoder.getSleepStatus()
 IRemoteEncoderState RemoteEncoder.getState()
 boolean Backend.goToSleep()
 boolean Backend.hasFreeRecorders()
 boolean Backend.isActiveBackend()
 boolean Backend.isActiveBackend(String hostname)
 void Backend.liveTvChainUpdate(String chainId)
 List<String> Backend.queryActiveBackends()
 RecordingsPending Backend.queryAllPending()
 RecordingsScheduled Backend.queryAllScheduled()
 Long Backend.queryBookmark(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime)
 Long Backend.queryBookmark(IProgramInfo program)
 FileStatus Backend.queryCheckFile(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean checkSlaves)
 RecordingsConflicting Backend.queryConflicting()
 RecordingsConflicting Backend.queryConflicting(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 RecordingsExpiring Backend.queryExpiring()
 FileStatus Backend.queryFileExists(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 FileStatus Backend.queryFileExists(String fileName, String storageGroup)
 FileStatus Backend.queryFileExists(URI fileUrl)
 String Backend.queryFileHash(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 String Backend.queryFileHash(String fileName, String storageGroup)
 String Backend.queryFileHash(String fileName, String storageGroup, String hostName)
 String Backend.queryFileHash(URI fileUrl)
 FreeSpace Backend.queryFreeSpace()
          Deprecated. 17
 FreeSpaceList Backend.queryFreeSpaceList(boolean allhosts)
 FreeSpaceSummary Backend.queryFreeSpaceSummary()
 boolean Backend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program)
 boolean Backend.queryGenPixmap(IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
 boolean Backend.queryGenPixmap2(String token, IProgramInfo program)
 boolean Backend.queryGenPixmap2(String token, IProgramInfo program, Boolean inSeconds, Long time, String fileName, Integer width, Integer height)
 GuideDataThrough Backend.queryGuideDataThrough()
 String Backend.queryHostname()
 IRecordingStatus Backend.queryIsRecording()
 ILoad Backend.queryLoad()
 IMemStats Backend.queryMemStats()
 IPixmap Backend.queryPixmap(String previewImageName, String storageGroup)
 IPixmap Backend.queryPixmapIfModified(IProgramInfo program, Date lastModifiedDate, Long maxFileSize)
 Date Backend.queryPixmapLastModified(IProgramInfo program)
 IProgramInfo Backend.queryRecording(IBasicChannelInfo channel, Date startTime)
 IProgramInfo Backend.queryRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime)
 ProgramInfo Backend.queryRecording(String baseName)
          TODO: fallback using a program filter!!!!
 IProgramInfoList Backend.queryRecordings()
 IProgramInfoList Backend.queryRecordings(ERecordingsType eRecordingsType)
          TODO: sorting for versions >= 65
 Setting Backend.querySetting(String hostName, String settingName)
 StorageGroupFile Backend.queryStorageGroupFile(String hostName, String storageGroup, String fileName)
 IStorageGroupFileList Backend.queryStorageGroupFileList(String hostName, String storageGroup, String path)
 StorageGroupFileList Backend.queryStorageGroupFileList(String hostName, String storageGroup, String path, boolean fileNamesOnly)
 ITimezone Backend.queryTimeZone()
 boolean Backend.queryTranscode(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 IUptime Backend.queryUptime()
 boolean Backend.queueTranscode(IProgramInfo recording)
 boolean Backend.queueTranscodeCutlist(IProgramInfo recording)
 boolean Backend.queueTranscodeStop(IProgramInfo recording)
 boolean Backend.reactivateRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 boolean Backend.reactivateRecording(List<String> programInfo)
 boolean Backend.refreshBackend()
 boolean Backend.rescheduleAllRecordings()
 boolean Backend.rescheduleRecordings(Integer recordID)
 boolean Backend.scanVideos()
 boolean Backend.setBookmark(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Long bookmarkPosition)
 boolean Backend.setChannelInfo(String oldChannelNumber, IRecorderChannelInfo channelInfo)
 boolean Recorder.setInput(String inputName)
 boolean Recorder.setLiveTvRecording()
 boolean Recorder.setNextLiveTvDirectory(String path)
 boolean Backend.setSetting(String hostName, String settingName, String settingValue)
 boolean Recorder.setupRingBuffer(boolean pictureInPicture)
          Deprecated. 20
 boolean Recorder.shouldSwitchCard(Integer channelID)
 void Backend.shutdownNow()
 boolean Recorder.stopPlaying()
          Deprecated. 20
 boolean RemoteEncoder.stopRecording()
 Integer Backend.stopRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 String Recorder.switchToNextInput()
 boolean Recorder.toggleInputs()
 boolean Backend.undeleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo)
 long Recorder.waitForFramesWritten(long desiredFrames)

Method parameters in org.jmythapi.protocol.impl with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, Boolean useReadAhead, Integer retries, Integer timeoutMs, String storageGroup)
 FileTransfer Backend.annotateFileTransfer(String fileName, String storageGroup)
 Integer Recorder.changeBrightness(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
 Integer Recorder.changeColour(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
 Integer Recorder.changeContrast(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
 Integer Recorder.changeHue(EPictureAdjustmentType adjustmentType, boolean up)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(Integer channelID, Date recordingStartTime, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
 boolean Backend.deleteRecording(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean forceMetadatDelete, Boolean forgetHistory)
 IRemoteEncoderBusyStatus RemoteEncoder.getBusyStatus(Integer timeBuffer)
 boolean RemoteEncoder.isBusy(Integer timeBuffer)
 FileStatus Backend.queryCheckFile(IProgramInfo programInfo, Boolean checkSlaves)
 String Backend.queryFileHash(String fileName, String storageGroup, String hostName)
 StorageGroupFileList Backend.queryStorageGroupFileList(String hostName, String storageGroup, String path, boolean fileNamesOnly)
 boolean Recorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, IRecorderChannelInfo recorderChannelInfo)
 boolean Recorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, IRecorderChannelInfo recorderChannelInfo)
 boolean Recorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, String channelNumber)
 boolean Recorder.spawnLiveTV(boolean pictureInPicture, String channelNumber)
 boolean Recorder.toggleChannelFavorite(String channelGroup)

Uses of MythProtoVersionAnnotation in org.jmythapi.protocol.response

Classes in org.jmythapi.protocol.response with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 interface IFreeSpace
          Deprecated. 17
static class IFreeSpace.Props
          Deprecated. The properties of an IFreeSpace response.
 interface IFreeSpaceList
          The response to a IBackend.queryFreeSpaceList(boolean) request.
 interface IFreeSpaceSummary
          An interface to get the free disk-space of a MythTV backend.
static class IFreeSpaceSummary.Props
          The properties of an IFreeSpaceSummary response.
 interface IInputInfo
          An interface to get informations about a recorder input.
 interface IInputInfoFree
          An interface to get the free inputs of a MythTV encoder.
static class IInputInfoFree.Props
          The properties of an IInputInfoFree response.
 interface IInputInfoTuned
          An interface to get a currently in use recorder input.
static class IInputInfoTuned.Props
          The properties of an IInputInfoTuned response.
 interface ILoad
          An interface to get the load of a MythTV backend.
static class ILoad.Props
          The properties of an ILoad response.
 interface IMemStats
          An interface to get the memory uage of a MythTV backend.
static class IMemStats.Props
          The properties of an IMemStats response.
 interface IPixmap
          An interface to read the preview image of a recording.
static class IPixmap.Props
          The properties of an IPixmap response.
 interface IProgramAudioProperties
          The audio properties of a recording.
static class IProgramAudioProperties.Flags
          The flags of the IProgramInfo.Props.AUDIO_PROPERTIES property.
 interface IProgramRecordingDupInType
          The episode filter of a recording.
static class IProgramRecordingDupInType.Flags
          The flags of the IProgramInfo.Props.DUP_IN property.
 interface IProgramRecordingDupMethodType
          The duplication mode of a recording.
static class IProgramRecordingDupMethodType.Flags
          The flags of the IProgramInfo.Props.DUP_METHOD property.
 interface IProgramRecordingSearchType
 interface IProgramSubtitleType
          The subtitle type of a recording.
static class IProgramSubtitleType.Flags
          The flags of the IProgramInfo.Props.SUBTITLE_TYPE property.
 interface IProgramVideoProperties
          The video properties of a recording.
static class IProgramVideoProperties.Flags
          The flags of the IProgramInfo.Props.VIDEO_PROPERTIES property.
 interface IRecorderProgramInfo
          Deprecated. 21, replaced by IProgramInfo and IRecorderChannelInfo
static class IRecorderProgramInfo.Props
          Deprecated. The properties of an IRecorderProgramInfo response.
 interface IRecordingsExpiring
          An interface to get all expiring recordings of a MythTV backend.
static class IRecordingsExpiring.Props
          The properties of an IRecordingsExpiring response.
 interface IRemoteEncoderFlags
          The flags of a remote encoder.
 interface IRingBuffer
          Deprecated. 20
static class IRingBuffer.Props
          Deprecated. The properties of an IRingBuffer response.
 interface ISleepStatus
          The sleep state of a MythTV backend.
static class ISleepStatus.Flags
          The flags of an ISleepStatus response.
 interface IStorageGroupFile
          An interface to get the files of a MythTV storage group.
static class IStorageGroupFile.Props
          The properties of an IStorageGroupFile response.
 interface IStorageGroupFileList
          The response to a IBackend.queryStorageGroupFileList(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) request.
 interface ITimezone
          Am interface to get the timezone of a MythTV backend.
static class ITimezone.Props
          Properties of the ITimezone response.
 interface IUptime
          An interface to get the uptime of a MythTV backend.
static class IUptime.Props
          Properties of the IUptime response.

Methods in org.jmythapi.protocol.response with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 boolean IRingBuffer.done()
          Deprecated. 20
 IProgramAudioProperties IProgramInfo.getAudioProperties()
          Gets the recording audio properties.
 Integer IFreeSpaceListEntry.getBlockSize()
 String IProgramInfo.getChannelOuputFilters()
          Output filters.
 List<String> IFreeSpaceListEntry.getDirectories()
          Gets all directory of the file system.
 List<String> IFreeSpaceListEntry.getDirectories(boolean withHostnames)
          Gets all directory of the file system.
 Integer IProgramInfo.getEpisode()
          Gets the episode number of the program.
 Long IFileStatus.getFileSize()
          Gets the size of the file in bytes.
 String IFreeSpaceListEntry.getFileSystemID()
 long IRingBuffer.getFreeSpace(long totalReadPos)
          Deprecated. 20
 String IProgramInfo.getInetRef()
          Gets an identification string to use for metadata grabbers.
 IInputInfoTuned IRemoteEncoderBusyStatus.getInputInfo()
          Gets the input that is currently used by the encoder.
 Date IFileStatus.getLastModified()
 Date IProgramInfo.getLastModified()
          Last modification time.
 int IRecordingStatus.getLiveTVRecordings()
          Get the total amount of recordings due to live-tv sessions
 Integer IProgramInfo.getParentID()
          Parent ID.
 Integer IProgramInfo.getPartNumber()
          Part number.
 Integer IProgramInfo.getPartTotal()
          Part total.
 IProgramRecordingDupMethodType IProgramInfo.getRecordingDuplicationMethod()
          Gets the duplication mode to use for the recording.
 IProgramRecordingDupInType IProgramInfo.getRecordingDuplicationType()
          Gets the duplication type of the recording.
 String IProgramInfo.getRecordingGroup()
          Gets the recording group.
 Integer IProgramInfo.getRecordingPriority2()
          Gets the recording priority 2.
 Integer IProgramInfo.getSeason()
          Gets the season of the program.
 Float IProgramInfo.getStars()
 Integer IFreeSpaceListEntry.getStorageGroupID()
 IProgramSubtitleType IProgramInfo.getSubtitleType()
          Gets the recording subtitle properties.
 String IProgramInfo.getSyndicatedEpisode()
          Gets the syndicated episode of the program.
 Float IProgramInfo.getTimeStretch()
          Deprecated. 23, replaced by IProgramInfo.getPlayGroup()
 IProgramVideoProperties IProgramInfo.getVideoProperties()
          Gets the recording video properties.
 Integer IProgramInfo.getYear()
          Gets the production year of the program.
 Boolean IProgramInfo.hasAirDate()
          Deprecated. 57
 boolean IFreeSpaceListEntry.hasDirectory(String directory)
          Checks if the given directory exists in the file system entry.
 Boolean IProgramInfo.isChannelCommFree()
          Deprecated. 57, use IProgramFlags#isSet(org.jmythapi.protocol.response.IProgramFlags.Flags) instead.
 Boolean IProgramInfo.isDuplicate()
          Deprecated. 57, use IProgramFlags#isSet(org.jmythapi.protocol.response.IProgramFlags.Flags) instead.
 Boolean IFreeSpaceListEntry.isLocal()
 Boolean IProgramInfo.isRepeat()
          Deprecated. 57, use IProgramFlags#isSet(org.jmythapi.protocol.response.IProgramFlags.Flags) instead.
 Boolean IProgramInfo.isShareable()
          Deprecated. 57
 int IRingBuffer.readBlock(byte[] buffer, int requestedSize)
          Deprecated. 20
 boolean IFileTransfer.reopen(String filename)
          Reopens the remote file.
 long currentPos, long newPos, ITransferable.Seek whence)
          Deprecated. 20
 boolean IFileTransfer.setTimeout(boolean fast)
          Sets the timout mode.

Uses of MythProtoVersionAnnotation in org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl

Classes in org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 class FreeInputsList
 class FreeSpace
          Deprecated. 17
 class FreeSpaceList
 class FreeSpaceSummary
 class GuideDataThrough
 class InputInfoFree
 class InputInfoTuned
 class ProgramAudioProperties
 class ProgramSubtitleType
 class ProgramVideoProperties
 class RecorderChannelInfo
 class RecorderProgramInfo
          Deprecated. 21
 class RemoteEncoderFlags
 class RingBuffer
          Deprecated. 20
 class SleepStatus
 class Timezone
 class TunerInfo

Methods in org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
 boolean RingBuffer.done()
          Deprecated. 20
 IProgramAudioProperties ProgramInfo.getAudioProperties()
 Integer FreeSpaceList.Entry.getBlockSize()
 List<String> FreeSpaceList.Entry.getDirectories()
 String FreeSpaceList.Entry.getFileSystemID()
 long RingBuffer.getFreeSpace(long totalReadPos)
          Deprecated. 20
 InputInfoTuned RemoteEncoderBusyStatus.getInputInfo()
 int RecordingStatus.getLiveTVRecordings()
 String ProgramInfo.getRecordingGroup()
 Integer ProgramInfo.getRecordingPriority2()
 Integer FreeSpaceList.Entry.getStorageGroupID()
 IProgramSubtitleType ProgramInfo.getSubtitleType()
 IProgramVideoProperties ProgramInfo.getVideoProperties()
 Boolean FreeSpaceList.Entry.isLocal()
 int RingBuffer.readBlock(byte[] buffer, int requestedSize)
          Deprecated. 20
 long currentPosition, long newPosition, ITransferable.Seek whence)
          Deprecated. 20
 boolean FileTransfer.setTimeout(boolean fast)

Uses of MythProtoVersionAnnotation in org.jmythapi.upnp

Methods in org.jmythapi.upnp with annotations of type MythProtoVersionAnnotation
static Map<String,String> UpnpUtil.locateDatabase(URI statusURI, String pin)

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