Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISendable This package contains interfaces related to MythTV events. This package contains implementations of MythTV events. 
org.jmythapi.protocol.request This package contains intefaces of MythTV request messages. 
org.jmythapi.protocol.response This package contains interfaces of MythTV response messages. 
org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl This package contains implementations of MythTV response messages. 

Uses of ISendable in

Subinterfaces of ISendable in
 interface IAskRecording
          Backend Event - Ask Recording.
 interface IClearSettingsCache
          Backend Event - Clear Settings Cache.
 interface IClientErrorEvent
 interface ICommflagStart
          Backend Event - Recording - Commercial-Flagging Start.
 interface IDoneRecording
          Backend Event- Recording Done.
 interface IDownloadFile<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event - Download File.
 interface IDownloadFileFinished
          Backend Event - Download File Finished.
 interface IDownloadFileUpdate
          Backend Event - Download File Update.
 interface ILiveTvChainUpdate
          Backend Event - LiveTV Chain Update.
 interface IMythEvent<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event.
 interface IPixmapGenerated
          Backend Event - Pixmap Generated.
 interface IRecordingEvent<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event - Recording Changes.
 interface IRecordingListChange<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event - Recordings-List Changed.
 interface IRecordingListChangeAdd
          Backend Event - Recording-List Event - Recording Added.
 interface IRecordingListChangeDelete
          Backend Event - Recording-List Event - Recording Deleted.
 interface IRecordingListChangeList
          Deprecated. 55, replaced by IRecordingListChangeAdd, IRecordingListChangeUpdate, IRecordingListChangeDelete
 interface IRecordingListChangeSingle<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event - Recording-List Event - Single Recording Changed.
 interface IRecordingListChangeUpdate
          Backend Event - Recording - Properties Updated.
 interface IRecordingUpdateEvent<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event - Recording - Properties Updated.
 interface IResetIdleTime
          Backend Event - Idle Time Reset.
 interface IScheduleChange
          Backend Event - Schedule Changed.
 interface IShutdownCountdown
          Backend Event - Shutdown Countdown.
 interface ISystemEvent
          Backend Event - System Event.
 interface IUpdateFileSize
          Backend Event - Recording - File-Size Updated.
 interface IUpdateProgInfo
          Deprecated. 55, replaced by IRecordingListChangeUpdate.
 interface IVideoList<E extends Enum<E>>
          Backend Event - Video List.
 interface IVideoListChange
          Backend Event - Video List - Change.
 interface IVideoListNoChange
          Backend Event - Video List - No Change.

Uses of ISendable in

Classes in that implement ISendable
 class AMythEvent<E extends Enum<E>>
 class AskRecording
 class ClearSettingsCache
 class ClientErrorEvent
 class CommflagStart
 class DoneRecording
 class DownloadFileFinished
 class DownloadFileUpdate
 class LiveTvChainUpdate
 class PixmapGenerated
 class RecordingListChangeAdd
 class RecordingListChangeAny
 class RecordingListChangeDelete
 class RecordingListChangeUpdate
 class ResetIdleTime
 class ScheduleChange
 class ShutdownCountdown
 class SystemEvent
 class UpdateFileSize
 class UpdateProgInfo
 class VideoList<E extends Enum<E>>
 class VideoListChange
 class VideoListNoChange

Uses of ISendable in org.jmythapi.protocol.request

Subinterfaces of ISendable in org.jmythapi.protocol.request
 interface IMythRequest
          This interface represents a MythTV-protocol request.

Classes in org.jmythapi.protocol.request that implement ISendable
 class AMythRequest
          The implementation of a MythTV-protocol request.

Uses of ISendable in org.jmythapi.protocol.response

Subinterfaces of ISendable in org.jmythapi.protocol.response
 interface IMythResponse<E extends Enum<E>>
          This interface represents a MythTV response object.

Uses of ISendable in org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl

Classes in org.jmythapi.protocol.response.impl that implement ISendable
 class AFreeSpace<E extends Enum<E>>
 class AMythResponse<E extends Enum<E>>
 class AProgramInfo<E extends Enum<E>>
 class ARecorderProgramInfo<E extends Enum<E>>
 class ARecordings<E extends Enum<E>>
 class FileStatus
 class FileTransfer
 class FreeInputsList
 class FreeSpace
          Deprecated. 17
 class FreeSpaceList
 class FreeSpaceList.Entry
 class FreeSpaceSummary
 class GuideDataThrough
 class InputInfoFree
 class InputInfoTuned
 class Load
 class MemStats
 class Pixmap
 class ProgramInfo
 class ProgramInfoList
 class RecorderChannelInfo
 class RecorderChannelPrefixStatus
 class RecorderInfo
 class RecorderNextProgramInfo
 class RecorderProgramInfo
          Deprecated. 21
 class RecordingsConflicting
 class RecordingsExpiring
 class RecordingsPending
 class RecordingsScheduled
 class RecordingStatus
 class RemoteEncoderBusyStatus
 class RemoteEncoderState
 class RingBuffer
          Deprecated. 20
 class Setting
 class StorageGroupFile
 class StorageGroupFileList
 class Timezone
 class TunerInfo
 class Uptime

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